Social Media Marketing
a brand—your name.
Build a
website and/or blog—drive traffic there through Social Media. After each
blog, go to Ping-O-Matic and “ping” your blog, letting others know you have a new one posted.
a buzz about your book several months before publication.
Direct people to your website or blog to check out a synopsis and first chapter of your book.
When book is published, create a Page on Facebook,
using the cover of your book. Link your Page
to your website, Twitter, etc.
Announce every book signing/presentation on
Facebook several times before the event.
Use Google+ the same way you use Facebook. The
idea is basically the same, just different terms, such as “circles” rather than friends.
Google Alert
Track how many times your name (brand), your novel, etc. is
on the web.
Is MySpace still relevant?
If you are already on it, use it as you always have.
If not, and you don’t have a lot of time, perhaps not.
Set up Twitter account before book is published/use your name if possible.
Once book is available, announce publication date.
Find other writers/groups using “hash” marks (#)
When tweeting to another writer, use #writer so that it will identify them as a writer. Ask them to do the same for you.
Type words in your tweet that are common to others’
interests, then hashtag them. It will multiply your chances of connecting with others.
Retweet. Others will return the favor and retweet your posts.
My handle is @LibbyGrandy.
Tweet me!
Link with as many professional people as possible. You are
a professional writer.
Join writing discussion groups.
Readers like to see and hear from authors.
Choose an interesting topic
for your video that highlights your writing.
Join Goodreads and connect with other readers.
Sign up for Goodreads
Author Program.
Write reviews on Goodreads.
Participate in the Giveaway program.
Create an Author’s Page at Amazon. (At Google, find Amazon Author Central.)
Write reviews for other writers'
books. They will return the favor.
Publish on-line:
Publish on-line, albeit for free, whenever you can. In your
bio, add your website/blog and title of book you have published. Your name (brand) will show up
on Google when you do.
Link your different sites:
it easy for readers to go from one site to another, particularly your website.
Arrange radio and newspaper interviews (and TV, if possible).
Book Signings:
In addition to the above, have book reading/signings. There is
value in personal contact and word of mouth. An on-going fan base can begin at
book signings. Read your first chapter or other pertinent chapter. People will hopefully want to buy your book once they hear the content.
Offer presentations to writing or reading clubs. People are more willing to buy books if they are getting something of
value in return.
Tell people that you are a writer. If possible,
have your book with you. If not, have your business cards available.
On the above venues, think “socialize,”
not—hard sell.
have time for all this? Marketing is a business. Do as little or as much as you choose. Some days, it will
be a few minutes, other days, an hour or more—or just once a week. Whatever
works for you.
Now—go back to what you love to do—writing!!